April 6th 2014; “Intentional Evangelism” Part 1

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:

040614 Evangelism P1

040614 PDF Evangelism P1


(Matthew 9:35-10:16)

I.           ______________ ARE STILL NEEDED (35-38)

A.            Do We See With ________________  Eyes? (36)

B.            We Have a Problem (37-38)

II.           _____________  IS A GOOD THING (5-7)

A.            Jews Only!!  CR. Romans 1:16

B.            Plenty of Others Needed Jesus

C.            The Focus of New Hope: Poland & India

D.            The  _______________ Must Be Focused Too (7)


III.           SPECIAL ________________ IS NEEDED (16)

A.            This Is Dangerous Business (16A)

B.            Shrewd as a Snake

C.            Innocent as a Dove


IV.         THE ________________  PLAN (8B – 10)

A.            Never Charge for the Gospel (8B)

B.            God Will Supply (9-12)

C.            Why Are Ministers Paid Then?


1.)           Can you imagine doing what Jesus asked these guys to do?  What do you think it would be like today?  What part would be hardest for you?  What part would be easiest?


2.)           Read 1Corinthians 15:3-5.  What are the essentials of the Gospel according to this passage?  Would you agree with the statement, “If we don’t tell people they are sinners, we have not communicated the Good News.”?  Why or why not?


3.)           Read Matthew 9:16A.  How does it make you feel that the God who loves you is sending you into circumstances that are like being a sheep with a bunch of wolves?  If sharing the Gospel is so dangerous, why does God ask us to do it?  Have you ever considered evangelism dangerous before this?


4.)           What kinds of things must we do to be “shrewd as a snake and innocent as a dove?”


5.)           Read Romans 1:16; 9:1-5; & 11:11-36.  What is God’s view of Israel?  Why does Jesus send the 12 out only to the Jews?  Why is this significant?


6.)           Do you believe that Jesus’ statement that, “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” means there are people out there just waiting to be evangelized?  If you knew that a person would respond positively to the gospel, would you share with them?


7.)           Read Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-47; & John 20:21.  Do you think God expects us to be intentional about evangelism?  What keeps us from purposefully sharing the gospel with other people?


8.)           What command does Jesus give to us in Matthew 9:38?  What can your group do to keep this command?  What do you need to do personally to be intentional about evangelism?


March 30th 2014; “They Will Fast”

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:

033014 PDF They Will Fast

033014 They Will Fast


(Luke 5:33-39)




A.  The wedding guest

B.  Guest will fast

C.  The Parable’s

D.  New with the Old



A.  Why we don’t fast

B.  Why we all fast

C.  Man does not live on bread alone



What stuck out to you in this week’s sermon?


Can you think of some texts in which the Bible talks about the difference between followers of God and those who don’t follow God? What text are they and what do they say?


Look at Luke 5:33-39, Matthew 9:14-17, and Mark 2:18-22. What are the similarities between the three texts? What are the differences? How do the differences give a fuller description to what Jesus is saying? Or how do the differences help explain what Jesus is saying?


Compare use of bridegroom in the following texts. How are they used differently, and what are the similarities between them? Isaiah 61:10; 62:5, Jeremiah 7:34, 16:9; 25:10; 33:11, Revelation 18:23. How do these passages help us understand how the picture of a bridegroom is used in the Bible?



Read Ezekiel 11:19 and 36:26 and Luke 22:14-23. How do they relate to one another? How does the Luke passage help us understand Luke 5:33-39?


Why do we so often think and act as though the “old wine” is better than the “new”? How can we fight against this desire? In what areas are you prone to think that the old is better than the new? In what areas do you tend to make them issues when in reality you are holding on to the old wine?


Have you ever fasted from something? How did it go for you? What did you fast from? Jesus says His disciples will fast, so as a disciple of Jesus when are you going to fast? How often are you going to fast? Would it help you if someone fasted with you? Is this something your small group would be willing to do together?


March 23rd 2014 “Are We Merciful?”

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:

032314 Are We Merciful

032314 PDF Are We Merciful


(Matthew 9:9-13)


A.            He ____________ a Tax-Collector to Be a Disciple (9)

B.            Jesus Eats ________________ (10-11)

II.           JESUS _________________________________

A.            Jesus Came For ________________ (12 & 13)

B.            Jesus Is _________   The Pharisees Are Righteous

C.            The Pharisees Ignore Their Own Sinfulness

D.            God Expects Us to Be Merciful (13)


A.            Are There Certain “Sinners” We Want Nothing to Do With?

B.            Are We Better Christians Than ……?


1.)           Is it hard for you to grasp that in Jesus’ day the Pharisees were looked up to and admired by nearly everyone?  Why or why not?  Do you agree with Eric that today we “church-going” evangelicals can be most like the Pharisees?  Does that scare you?

2.)           Read Exodus 34:6-7.  How do we balance God’s grace and mercy with His clear judgment on sin?  How can we be merciful and at the same time maintain righteous standards for living?

3.)           Read Luke 18:9-14.  How does this parable help us understand our text from Matthew?  Do you really think there are people like this Pharisee?

4.)           How surprised do you think Matthew was that Jesus even talked to him?  What is Matthew’s response to Jesus challenging him to follow Him?  Do you think Matthew was a believer already or he became a believer after being with Jesus for a while?

5.)           Read Hosea 6:6; Isaiah 1:10-17; 66:2-4; Amos 5:21-24; Jeremiah 6:18-20.  Why is God so upset about the sacrifices He commanded them to bring?  What does this teach us about being religious?

6.)           Read Matthew 7:21-27; James 1:22-25; 2:14-17.  What danger do we have to guard against in today’s evangelical world?

7.)           Eric spoke about the book, “ACCIDENTAL PHARISEE”.    What does Matthew 7:1-5 have to do with becoming an “Accidental Pharisee”?  Can you think of a time when you were an accidental Pharisee?

8.)           How can Matthew 18:21-35 help us to be more merciful toward other people?

9.)           Read about the apostle Paul’s struggle with sin in Romans 7:14-25.  How can this text help us be more merciful toward other people?

10.)        What does God want you to do as a result of this study this week?  Is there a person you need to apologize to for thinking you were better than them, or are there certain “kinds” of people you want nothing to do with?  What will you do about it this week?

March 16th 2014; “Jesus Cares”

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:


031514 pdf Jesus Cares

(Luke 5:12-16)
See also Matthew 8:1-4 & Mark 1:40-45
I. A VERY ___________________ SITUATION (12-13)
A. Only to Humans
1. Leprosy in Israel
2. The Leper has ______________
3. Jesus is not ____________________
II. TWO ___________________ COMMANDS (14)
A. Don’t Tell Anyone (14A)
B. Obey the Law (14B)
 III. JESUS KNOWS TIME WITH GOD IS _________________ (15-16)
A. The Enticement of the Crowd (15)
B. Time With God Trumps People’s Needs (16)
IV. DOES JESUS ______________  CARE?
A. He ________  ______ Heal Everyone  (Lk. 4:24-27)
B. What About _____  Pain?
C. The Truth of Heaven
1. Resurrection
2. Vindication / Justice
3. Everything Is Good
1.) Have you ever been the “leper” in a certain situation?  Have you ever seen it happen to someone else?  How did it feel to be rejected by everyone?  Can you imagine no one wanting to be around you?
2.) What do you think went through the leper’s mind when Jesus reached out and touched him?  How important is human touch?  Is there someone who needs your touch?
3.) Read Leviticus 13:1-45 & 14:1-32.  Write down what you learn about infectious skin diseases. (Leprosy)  “Unclean” means ceremonially unacceptable to God.
4.) Eric said that the Jews believed that healing someone from leprosy was on a par with raising someone from the dead.  What impact do you think this healing would have had on the Jewish leaders?  What impact should it have had?
5.) How did the Leper disobey Jesus?  See Mark 1:40-45.  What was the result?  Do you think Jesus was upset with him?  Why or why not?  Would you have disobeyed Jesus?
6.) Read the following verses.  Write down the priorities of each person and their habits.
Mark 1:35
Daniel 6:10-11
Psalm 5:3; 88:13
Exodus 33:8-11
Luke 10:38-42
7.) Read John 17:3.  How is eternal life defined in this verse?  What are the implications of this for our daily priorities?  Why is it so important to “go out to the wilderness” to spend time with God?  What is your habit for making time with God your priority?
8.) Read Psalm 42.  Why does David want so desperately to meet with God? (vs. 1&2)  Do you think David would be a positive witness to God’s care at this point in his life?  What commitment does David make, even though he is clearly disappointed with God?
9.) Is it OK to be upset and disappointed with God?  Why or why not?  How do you help someone who is questioning whether or not God cares about their situation?
10) What one thing does God want you to do as a result of this week’s message and study?  Who will you ask to hold you accountable?

March 9th 2014; “Jesus Knows Best”

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:



(Mark 2:1-12)
A. The Situation
B. The _________ of Men (5A)
C. An _______________ & ___________ Pronouncement (5B)
D. An ______________ Challenge (6-7)
E. An ______________ Response (8-11)
F. Final Proof
 II. DOES _____________ KNOW BEST?
A. Clearly ___________ Thinks So
B. This Should Be ________________, But…
1. Hell
2. Heaven
3. Luke 10:18-20
C. Lessons From a Famous Story  (Luke 16:19-31)
1.) What would you have thought if you were the paralytic or one of his friends when Jesus pronounced that your sins are forgiven?  Can you think of a situation where you wanted one thing, but received something else and realized later that what you received was better than what you wanted?
2.) Look up Daniel 7:13-14.  How is the “Son of Man” described in these verses?  The fact that Jesus refers to Himself as the “Son of Man” fairly frequently would imply what about His being?
3.) Read John 8:58-59.  What is the response of the Jews to His claim?  Why are they so upset?  See Exodus 3:13-14.  Can you think of any other passages that clearly teach Jesus is God in the flesh?  Why is it important that Jesus be God?
4.) Read Revelation 21:1-7 & 22-27; 22:1-5; & Isaiah 11:6-9.  Describe what heave will be like.
5.) Read the following verses and record what each one says about Hell.
Luke 16:24 –
Matthew 8:12; 13:42 & 50; 15:30; 22:13; 24:51 –
Matthew 25:46 –
Mark 9:48 –
Revelation 14:11
Isaiah 48:22 –
Many commentators think that “the worm that does not die” refers to a person’s conscience.  What are the implications of this?  See also Romans 8:1-2 for what the saved experience.
6.) How would you respond to someone who says they will be OK in Hell because all of their friends will be there?  Why do you think people try to make light of Hell, to act as if it is no big deal?
7.) Why do you think people want to make social action (feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, etc.) equal in importance to telling people about salvation through faith in Jesus?
8.) Read James 2:14-26.  The statement “claims to have faith” means a professing Christian, i.e. someone who says they are a Christian.  Is this passage teaching that social action is more important than preaching the gospel?  Why or why not?  How are the two related?
9.) What method do you use to explain to someone why they need to trust Christ as their Savior and Lord?  If you do not have a method, are you willing to learn one?  When will you do that?

March 2nd 2014 “The Proper Response to Jesus”

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The Proper Response to Jesus

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:

030214 PDF The Proper response to Jesus

030214 The Proper response to Jesus


(Mark 1:29-34)

  I.           JESUS CONTINUES TO ______________ OTHERS

A.            A Busy Day

B.            No Rest for Jesus

II.           OUR RESPONSE SHOULD BE _______________

A.            God Has ____________ Us CR. Luke 4:18

B.            God Has ____________ Us CR. Luke 4:18

C.            We Should ______________ Peter’s Mother-in-Law (31)

D.            Great Commandment (Matthew 27:37-40)

1.            Serve  __________

2.            Serve  ______________

III.           SERVE GOD

A.            Make God _________  __________  John 17:1&4

B.            Spend _______  ________ in the Bible (John 17:3&17)

C.            Make _________ a Priority (John 17:11&20-23)

D.            Make ___________________

1.            Matthew 28:19-20

2.            Acts 1:8

E.            Know & Use Your ____________  ___________ (I Pet. 4:10)


A.            Help the ________________ (Luke 10:29ff)

B.            Meet Each Others ____________  (John 13)

C.            __________ One Another (Colossians 3:13)

D.            ___________ That Others Are ___________    _____________ Than You.   (Philippians 2:3ff)

E.            ___________  _____ Those Caught in Sin (Gal. 6:1-3)


1.)           Can you think of a time when someone did something really nice to or for you?  Did you feel obligated to do something for them?  What did you do?


2.)           Read John 13:1-17.  What theological lesson is taught here (verses 8-11)?  What is Jesus modelling for us in this passage?  What command does He give (14-15)?  How should verse 16 motivate us to obey this command?


3.)           Read Philippians 2:3-11.  According to this text, what example are we to follow in our service to others?  What character trait is required to “consider others better than yourselves.”?  How does God respond to those who actually do this?  (Verses 9-11)


4.)           Why is forgiveness so important?  See Colossians 3:12-14; Matthew 6:12 & 14-15.  What does Matthew 18:21-35 teach us that should motivate us to forgive others?


5.)           What does Matthew 7:1-5 have to do with Galatians 6:1-3?


6.)           Can you think of a Bible verse or passage that bests describes for you what Jesus did for us?  Be prepared to share this with your group and why it is special to you.


7.)           Eric said it is very clear that we should spend much time in the Bible, know how to share our faith (and share it), and know our spiritual gift (and use it).  Do you agree?  Why or why not?  How would you rate yourself in each of these areas?  Which one of these does God want you to focus on this week so He looks good (is glorified)?


8.)           Eric regularly uses the phrase, “make God look good”, as a replacement for “glorifying God”.  Do you think this is Biblical?  Why or why not?  Do you consider it an honor or a burden to “make God look good”?


9.)           What specifically are you going to do about the one thing God wants you to work on from question 7?  How will you measure yourself in this area this week?

February 23rd 2014; “Jesus and Authority”

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Jesus and Authority

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:

022314 Jesus and Authority

022314 PDF Jesus and Authority


(Mark 1:21-28)

  I.           THE STORY

II.           JESUS HAS AUTHORITY OVER ___________ (21-22 & 27A)

A.            Review of Synagogue Service

B.            Jesus Teaches With _______________

1.            authority

2.            Jesus claims authority over

– the temple CR. John 2:18-19

– sin CR. Mark 2:10

C.            Jesus, Truth and the ______________

1.            Matthew 5:21

2.            John 17:17

3.            John 1:1 & 14

4.            John 14:6

STATEMENT:  JESUS IS THE ________________ OF TRUTH.  THEREFORE HE ____________________ WHAT IS AND IS NOT TRUTH!!

III.           JESUS HAS AUTHORITY OVER ___________ &  _______________

A.            Demon Possession

B.            “us” (vs.24) & “an” (vs.23) / “the” (vs.26)

C.            The Demon’s Challenge

D.            Jesus Is Not ______________________  (25-26)

E.            Do Not Take Demons _______________

1.            Ephesians 4:26-27

2.            Jude 8 & 9

3.            I John 4:4

IV.         WHO IS THIS JESUS??!!

A.            Amazement

B.            Demonstrates Authority Over Truth & Evil

C.            Called “The Holy One of God” by one who knows.

V.            HAVE WE ______________________ TO HIS AUTHORITY?

A.            Who Determines Truth;  _________ or  _______ ?

B.            Who Do We Fear:  ___________  or  __________?


1.)           Have you ever listened to a speaker who seems to just hold you and compels you to listen?  What was it like?  Think of Hitler and Martin Luther King.  Both had tremendous power when giving speeches.  What do we learn about the power of speech from these two men?

2.)           What do you think it would have been like to have been there and heard Jesus preach and then watch Him cast out a demon?  How do you think you would respond?  Eric said the word amaze has the connotation of “real alarm” along with amazement.  Do you think these people thought Jesus was dangerous?

3.)           Read John 2:13-19 and Matthew 21:12-17.  What is Jesus claiming by kicking the money-changers out of the temple?  Do you think the Pharisees understand what He is claiming?  Why?  Jesus quotes Psalm 8:2 in Matthew 21:16.  Looking at Psalm 8:2, who is Jesus claiming to be?

4.)           In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the truth” .  Does the idea that truth is a Person mess with your mind?  Why or why not?  What is the significance of this?

5.)           Define “moral relativism”.  How would you get a “moral relativist” (the average American today) to consider that there actually is absolute truth and that Jesus determines what it is?  Why is moral relativism so appealing to people?

6.)           Read Luke 12:1-7.  Should Christians be afraid of God?  In what sense is Jesus speaking of fear here?  Why do we tend to worry more about what humans think than what God thinks?

7.)           Is there an area of your life that needs to be submitted to God’s authority?  What are you going to do in order to demonstrate submission to God’s authority in this area?

February 16th 2014; Luke 4:14-13; “A Disappointing Home Coming”

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:

021614 MSWORD Disappointing Home Coming

021614 PDF Disappointing Home Coming


(Luke 4:14-30)

  I.           JESUS COMES HOME (14-16)

A.            He Now Has a __________________ (14-15)

B.            Returns to Nazareth (16A)

C.            Jesus _________________ Attended Church (16B)

II.           JESUS CLAIMS TO BE THE ________________ (17-21)

A.            Isaiah 61:1-2

B.            Scripture Fulfilled

III.           GOD IS LOOKING FOR ___________________  (22-30)

A.            The Flow of the Text

B.            ___________ Is the Key (24-27)

1.            I Kings 17

2.            II Kings 5

C.            What ________________ Looks Like (22-23 & 28-29)

1.            Jesus is a ______________   ____________ (22)

2.            Show Us a ________________  (23)

3.            Truth  ___________ Them (28-29)

IV.         THE ______________ IS ENOUGH

A.            Jesus Is _____________ on Crowds

1.            Luke 4

2.            John 6:30ff

B.            The _____________ Is Sufficient

1.            Luke 16:29-31

2.            Luke 11:29-32


1.)           Describe a time when you went home to the place you grew up.  What was it like?  What were you looking forward to?  Do you think Jesus has similar feelings or expectations?  Why?

2.)           What do you think the people of Nazareth were thinking when Jesus arrived in Nazareth?  By now they had heard (vss. 14-15) that the Jesus they knew was doing some pretty wild things and was recognized as a great teacher.  How many people do you think missed “church” that Sabbath?

3.)           Read Isaiah 60 & 61 to get the overall flavor of the Old Testament portion Jesus was quoting from.  What is the overall theme of these two chapters?  When will all of this take place?   How is it that Jesus can say that all of this is fulfilled because He is there in Nazareth?

4.)           Eric said that the primary meaning of verses 18 & 19 is referring to mankind’s spiritual condition due to sin.  What must Jesus do to make these things come true?  Look up Matthew 5:3-4; Galatians 3:22-25; and Matthew 23:16-26.  What do we learn from these passages that help us to understand Jesus’ understanding of this Old Testament passage?

5.)           Does this mean that we can ignore physical suffering and only focus on spiritual needs of people?  Why or why not?  Think back over Isaiah 60 & 61.  How much of that refers to physical blessings for Israel?

6.)           Read Matthew 13:53-58 & Mark 6:1-6, the parallel passages to Luke 4.  Do you think Jesus was unable to do miracles because of their lack of faith, or would not do miracles?  Why or why not?  Why was it so hard for the people of Nazareth to listen to Jesus?

7.)           Is it hard for you to believe that the people of Jesus’ own home town are so enraged at Him that they want to kill Him?  What makes them so angry at Him?  Do people get that angry today?  Can you give any examples?

8.)           What do you think of the truth that only the Bible is enough for people to believe?  See Luke 16:29-31 & 11:29-32.  Does this surprise you?  Why do you think this is true, other than Jesus said it was?

9.)           Notice  that Jesus just walks through the crowd trying to kill him (vs. 30).  Why is he able to do that?  See John 2:4; 7:30; 8:20; 12:23.  Does this provide any encouragement for us as we try to live for Jesus?  How can this help us to be bold for Jesus?

February 9th 2014; Setting The Tone, Mt 4:12-17

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Setting The Tone

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Sermon Outline and Small Group Questions:




(Matthew 4:12-17)


A.            John 1:35-51

B.            John 2:1-11

C.            John 2:12-25

D.            John 3:1-21

E.            John 3:22-36

F.            John 4:1-42

II.           JESUS’ NEW HEADQUARTERS (Matthew 4:12-16)

A.            John the Baptist Is Removed (4:12A)

1.            Matt. 14:1-12

2.            Matt. 11:1-19

B.            Jesus Moves to ___________________ (13)

C.            Very _____ –  ____________  –  ___________

D.            Galilee!!!  You Must Be Joking

1.            _______________   Galilee

2.            _______________  Galilee

E.            God Never ________________

1.            CR. Isaiah 9:1ff

2.            Light – 2X

III.           AN ETERNAL MESSAGE (17)  CR. Mark 1:14-15

A.            Repent

B.            Believe

C.            Good News

D.            Kingdom of Heaven / God

IV.         LESSONS

A.            The ____________ of Jesus Is Considered to Be an Huge Reward / Gift.

B.            God’s Ways Are ____________  &  ________________

C.            God ________________ Our Situation

D.            Salvation Is for ________________

E.            There Is No Room For ____________ of Any Kind in Christianity.


1.)           Why do you think the Synoptists (authors of the Synoptic Gospels) did not include Jesus’ early Judean ministry in their account of the ministry of Jesus?  They left out some pretty amazing incidents.  See point I. of outline.

2.)           Eric said that the fact that God does the unexpected but that His ways are always right shows that we just do not think rightly about life.  Do you agree or disagree?  Why?  What kinds of things do we need to do to make sure we are thinking more like God so we are not surprised?

3.)           Would you have headquartered Jesus’ ministry out of Capernaum?  Be honest.  Why or why not?  Why do you think (other than fulfilled prophecy) God did this?

4.)           Why do you think God had to remove John the Baptist?  Wouldn’t it have been more effective to have both John and Jesus ministering?

5.)           Read II Peter 3:8-9.  Galilee suffered for centuries before God kept His promise to bless them.  Do you think this was hard for them?  Do you think any of them knew about this promise from Isaiah?  Why does it seem like it takes God so long to remember?

6.)           God’s great reward for Galilee was the presence of the Messiah.  Would we consider that a great reward or would we want something more “materialistic”? How did Capernaum respond to the great privilege of having the Messiah make His headquarters in their city?  See Matthew 11:20-24.

7.)           Read Luke 4:24-30.  This is Jesus’ hometown, Nazareth.  What upset the people so much about the Scripture he told them about?  (Hint: the widow was a Gentile)  How is it that we humans get to the place where we despise other races?  What truths of the gospel make racism so very wrong?

8.)           Which one of the 5 Lessons from the sermon challenged you the most or meant the most to you and why?

9.)           Jesus was born in a stable, raised in Nazareth, trained as a carpenter, made His headquarters in Capernaum, and died as a criminal.  What point do you think God wants us to get from all of this?